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Resilience In Manufacturing Series

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(Originally from The Manufacturer)


How manufacturers can stay resilient during these testing times


Every industry is facing challenges like never before. Consumers are changing their habits; supply chains are being disrupted and legislation is adapting constantly. It’s no different for manufacturers.

While we’ve seen a great number of technological and process-driven advances in recent years, manufacturers need to continue to evolve and rapidly innovate to remain competitive in the modern world. 

Over the past several months, BSI has seen a number of examples of resilience and innovation from organisations in response to the challenges imposed on them. The way that manufacturers have ramped up production of both PPE and ventilators is inspiring and points the way to what the future of manufacturing may look like.

BSI is looking at these changes to help learn what good will look like in future and to highlight what manufacturing will look like in the next normal.

BSI is partnering with numerous industry experts and thought leaders to produce a series of free webinars – entitled Resilience in Manufacturing.

BSI have highlighted five key areas where they believe sharing expertise and best practice will be beneficial for both the individual manufacturer, and the industry as a whole.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on people and communities, and organisations are facing significant disruptions and challenges that they need to quickly manage and respond to. BSI is working closely with governments, regulators and industries globally to share best practice and expertise, providing insight and information to help navigate the risks, mitigate crisis and enable resilience.

BSI’s response has included making accessible relevant standards in the areas of hygiene, PPE (personal protective equipment), ventilators, risk management, business continuity and more, to support efforts in tackling Covid-19.

Additionally, BSI are now able to offer nearly all of their services remotely. However, the next step is to focus on how they can help industry get back on its feet and adapt to ‘the next normal’.

The first webinar in the series starts on Thursday 28 May at 9:00am. It looks into how the global Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the rate of innovation within manufacturing supply chains, which has required manufacturers to react and adapt to rapidly changing customer requirements and working much more collaboratively than previously.

Host Ben Sheridan is joined by Dr Steven Barr and Ravi Gidoomal (Directors of EDGE Digital Manufacturing) to share their expertise on how the adoption of digital technology is a key component of overcoming these challenges.

Frank Lee and Leigh Verrall from BSI will also explore various examples of collaboration and discuss how this idea may work in the future. Register for this webinar here.


The rest of the series will focus on a range of pressing issues, including:

  • the importance of standards
  • how to enable continuity
  • how to drive efficiency
  • how digital technology can be used to make the most of your resources


Each webinar is 60-90 minutes and provides ample opportunity for you to ask the experts questions.  The series has a range of speakers from academia, industry and standards providing you with their differing insights into these key topics.

- The Manufacturer