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Solving the Engineering and Manufacturing Skills Shortages: How Employment Solutions Can Support Your Business

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Skills shortages in engineering have continued to grow, with applications tumbling in April, according to research from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) and Veritone Hire.

The data showed a continued downward trend in permanent jobs over the last three months, with April reporting a 3% fall month-on-month. Contract jobs were also down 11% between March and April 2024. In April, the number of applications for permanent engineering jobs dropped by almost 40% month-on-month, with an annual fall of 23% also noted. Contract applications also declined, down 44% between March and April 2024.

Ann Swain, Global CEO at APSCo, noted the growing skills gap, stating, “The sector is persistently reporting a decline in people moving roles which exceeds any decline in jobs. All signs are pointing to a significant talent shortage in the months ahead.”

How Employment Solutions Can Help

At Employment Solutions, we offer a range of solutions designed to help businesses in the engineering and manufacturing sectors overcome these challenges. Here’s how we can support your business:

1. Specialised Recruitment Services

As a specialist recruitment agency, Employment Solutions has been working across the engineering, manufacturing, nuclear, and defence sectors for over 20 years. We connect businesses with highly skilled professionals, ensuring that you can find the right talent even in a competitive market.

2. Flexible Staffing Solutions

With the decline in both permanent and contract job applications, you need adaptable staffing solutions. We provide flexible staffing options that can cater to the fluctuating needs of the engineering sector, whether for short-term projects or long-term contracts.

3. Comprehensive Market Insights

We provide comprehensive market insights that help you understand the current talent landscape, salary benchmarks, and emerging skills in demand. These insights enable you to make informed hiring decisions and stay competitive in the industry.

4. Employer Branding Support

We help you enhance your employer brand to make your company more attractive to potential candidates. Through targeted branding strategies, we assist in highlighting your company’s strengths, culture, and career growth opportunities.

5. Strategic Workforce Planning

We offer consultancy services to help you develop strategic workforce plans. By analysing industry trends and your company’s specific needs, we provide actionable insights and strategies to attract and retain top talent.


The skills shortage in the engineering and manufacturing sectors is a significant challenge that requires strategic solutions. At Employment Solutions, we are committed to supporting you through our specialised recruitment, flexible staffing solutions, comprehensive market insights, employer branding support, and strategic workforce planning.

Our key value proposition lies in our unparalleled level of service and our long-term relationships with clients and candidates. By partnering with us, you can ensure you have access to the skilled workforce needed to thrive, driving growth and innovation in the engineering and manufacturing sectors.