Martin Robert Hall
Business Coach
Martin Robert Hall is an Award Winning Coach, Author and Keynote Speaker.
Proud moments include winning Business Coach of the Year at the 2018 International Coaching Awards and his work being praised by Sir Alex Ferguson.
Coming from a sports science background into the world of business, Martin noticed many parallels between the two. The similarities are extensive, from building a winning culture to inspirational leadership, all the way down to the nuts and bolts of building winning teams and getting the most out of every individual.
In 2017 Martin travelled to San Diego to spend 3 days in a Navy SEAL’s Leadership Academy, learning the high-performance methods of the toughest group of people on the planet.
Martin’s latest book ‘How Leaders Make It Happen’ delves into the secrets, the science and the strategies of world class leadership to understand what great leaders do to inspire world class performance.
His passion is sharing these powerful and practical lessons through his writing, speaking and coaching roles with a range of clients in the business and sports world.